Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan follows the daily lives of four young girls. There is just one catch: they are anything but normal. This group of friends—the energetic werewolf Liru, the joyful witch-in-training Uma, the motherly android Aiko, and the seductive vampire Pachira—are actually princesses from the netherworld who have traveled to the human world in search of a new home. Unfortunately, their naivety and severe lack of knowledge make living peacefully among earthlings much more difficult than they imagined. As they attempt to adapt to their brand new lifestyle, they cause all sorts of trouble, and end up attracting the unwanted attention of a woman by the name of Dr. K-Ko. The scientist believes that these new residents of Earth are up to no good and attempts to capture the girls to prove the existence of the supernatural and gain credibility with the scientific community. Every day brings a new adventure as the girls deal with the insanity of her antics and all that the human realm has to offer. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Media Factory,
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan follows the daily lives of four young girls. There is just one catch: they are anything but normal. This group of friends—the energetic werewolf Liru, the joyful witch-in-training Uma, the motherly android Aiko, and the seductive vampire Pachira—are actually princesses from the netherworld who have traveled to the human world in search of a new home. Unfortunately, their naivety and severe lack of knowledge make living peacefully among earthlings much more difficult than they imagined. As they attempt to adapt to their brand new lifestyle, they cause all sorts of trouble, and end up attracting the unwanted attention of a woman by the name of Dr. K-Ko. The scientist believes that these new residents of Earth are up to no good and attempts to capture the girls to prove the existence of the supernatural and gain credibility with the scientific community. Every day brings a new adventure as the girls deal with the insanity of her antics and all that the human realm has to offer. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
月の呪文は血の系譜 / まやかしの呪文はTVショッピング
明日の呪文は愛の献血 / 幸せの呪文は理想の男性
ないしょの呪文は梅雨前線 / 耳寄りな呪文は七夕祭れ
脱力の呪文は海水浴 / 恋の呪文は海水浴
再生の呪文は地獄探訪 / 癒しの呪文は公園デビュー
まったりの呪文は十五夜 / 合体の呪文は無敵ロボットM5!
今夜の呪文は吸血鬼 / 夢の呪文は一日だけの魔法
絶交の呪文は色男さんいらしゃーい / 白の呪文はクリスマス
コールドの呪文はスノボスキー / ホットな呪文は天然温泉
無口な呪文は楽しい英会話 / ピンチの呪文はさよならの向こう側
哀愁の呪文は想い出に変わるとき / 優しい呪文は魔法使い