Even though the Decepticons have been driven off Earth, a small team of Autobot Pretenders have remained behind, just in case. Led by Metalhawk ("Hawk" in his human identity), the Pretenders live among the humans, using their Pretender shells to assume human size and appearance. The Autobots' caution is rewarded: Decepticon Pretenders soon appear, led by a mysterious force called Devil Z. The Autobots and Decepticons soon build up their forces, recruiting humans to become Junior Headmasters and Godmasters (Powermasters). (Source: ANN)
Toei Animation
Nippon Television Network,
Even though the Decepticons have been driven off Earth, a small team of Autobot Pretenders have remained behind, just in case. Led by Metalhawk ("Hawk" in his human identity), the Pretenders live among the humans, using their Pretender shells to assume human size and appearance. The Autobots' caution is rewarded: Decepticon Pretenders soon appear, led by a mysterious force called Devil Z. The Autobots and Decepticons soon build up their forces, recruiting humans to become Junior Headmasters and Godmasters (Powermasters). (Source: ANN)
立て!! プリテンダー
恐怖! デストロンの人間狩り
誘拐!? 狙われたジャンボジェット
誕生! ヘッドマスターJr
大暴れ!! ルール無用の小さな悪魔
パニック! 野生動物を守れ!!
激戦!! サイバトロン危うし
ジンライ 怒りのゴッドオン!!
奇妙な友情 キャンサーとミネルバ
敵か味方か!? モンスターの正体!!
壮絶!! スーパージンライ誕生
ライトフット 劇的なる出逢い
敵? 第三のゴッドマスターレインジャー
強敵!! さすらいのシックスナイト
勢揃い! ゴッドマスター四銃士