We still have no idea what's really going on with this show, beyond the fact that the weirdness is piling up! Curry-fiend Karasama remains oblivious to Tenma's crush, and Harima still hasn't confessed his true feelings to Tenma. But hey, the thug's got an excuse since he's caught up with his comic career and knee-deep in a blizzard of deadlines! Meanwhile, the love triangles are ever-shifting thanks to wannabe cupids and runaway brides. Even when you throw in a bit of cyborg love, a shipwreck, and a fugitive red panda–seriously, that ain't even scratching the surface. You are encouraged to scratch the pig, though. He likes it! And something rumbles in the next to last episode, no matter what I say next. School Rumble–The absolutely funniest show you’ll ever see that's not about anything that rumbles... Ever! (Source: Funimation)
Studio Comet
Marvelous Entertainment,
We still have no idea what's really going on with this show, beyond the fact that the weirdness is piling up! Curry-fiend Karasama remains oblivious to Tenma's crush, and Harima still hasn't confessed his true feelings to Tenma. But hey, the thug's got an excuse since he's caught up with his comic career and knee-deep in a blizzard of deadlines! Meanwhile, the love triangles are ever-shifting thanks to wannabe cupids and runaway brides. Even when you throw in a bit of cyborg love, a shipwreck, and a fugitive red panda–seriously, that ain't even scratching the surface. You are encouraged to scratch the pig, though. He likes it! And something rumbles in the next to last episode, no matter what I say next. School Rumble–The absolutely funniest show you’ll ever see that's not about anything that rumbles... Ever! (Source: Funimation)
スクランブルなリローデッド! スーパースターにリクエスト! スキャンダラスなリスタート!
策謀 / 戦場 / 朋友
美獣vs美獣 / 軍神vs武神 / 先生vs生徒
演劇で妄想! 銭湯で妄想! オニギリで妄想!
オミズは文化 マンガは文化 ケーキもブンカ
スリーピング・ビースト キッス・インポッシブル フィナーレ
はっちゃけ☆女子バスケ部誕生! はっちゃけ☆よろしく先輩 はっちゃけ☆涙のブランコ…
パス! ドリブル! シュート!
ヒィー! ヒィー!ヒィー! ヒィー!ヒィー!ヒィー!
ナポレオン、生と死の間で… 西本、性と志の間で… サラ、聖と私の間で…
パーフェクト、禁止! 立ち入り、禁止! 半ズボン、禁止!
振りかえればヤツがいる。 カラスマの名にカケて。 謎はすべて解けた!
締めだされた男 招かれた男 試された男
誰にも縛られたくない~ もう学校や家には帰りたくない~ 暗い夜の帳の中で~
…愛理の逃避行 …播磨のララバイ …偽りの花嫁
バイトの甘いワナ 教室の甘いワナ セレブの甘いワナ
こっちもあっちもX’マス! 驀進FOR X’マス! 砕けろX’マス!
…スクランです。 ……スクランですよ。 ………スクランですってば!
初夢 獅子舞 お正月
南の虹の2-C! ふしぎな島のヤークモ! 七つの海の…!
ロマンチックだね、播磨くん! ジンガマに載った、播磨くん! キャモ~ン♥、播磨くん!