Dan Bashin is a spirited teenager known for his aggressive playstyle in the card game Battle Spirits, earning him the title of "Clash King." One day, a mysterious green-haired girl transports him to the otherworldly land of "Grand Rolo," where disputes are settled by card duels. Upon his arrival, Dan is immediately thrust into a conflict between the kingdom's imperial army and its oppressed natives. There, he learns that he is a prophetic warrior known as a "bearer of cores' light," chosen to save the land from its evil king. Accompanied by a young boy named Zungurii and the eccentric witch Magisa, Dan travels across Grand Rolo and encounters the other chosen warriors through card battles. With the name of the Clash King gaining fame throughout Grand Rolo, secrets that lurk within the shadows of the kingdom's colonial past begin to surface. Only time will tell if Dan's campaign will affect the world on a scale much larger than he ever could have imagined. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Dan Bashin is a spirited teenager known for his aggressive playstyle in the card game Battle Spirits, earning him the title of "Clash King." One day, a mysterious green-haired girl transports him to the otherworldly land of "Grand Rolo," where disputes are settled by card duels. Upon his arrival, Dan is immediately thrust into a conflict between the kingdom's imperial army and its oppressed natives. There, he learns that he is a prophetic warrior known as a "bearer of cores' light," chosen to save the land from its evil king. Accompanied by a young boy named Zungurii and the eccentric witch Magisa, Dan travels across Grand Rolo and encounters the other chosen warriors through card battles. With the name of the Clash King gaining fame throughout Grand Rolo, secrets that lurk within the shadows of the kingdom's colonial past begin to surface. Only time will tell if Dan's campaign will affect the world on a scale much larger than he ever could have imagined. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
激突! 雷皇龍ジークヴルム
緑の疾風! 神速のアメンボーグ
美女と野獣!?! 天使長ソフィア/賢獣アイベリックス
デスマッチ! 冥闘士バラムの猛攻
究極龍 激神皇カタストロフドラゴン
紫の闇! 魔界七将ベルゼビート
鎧神機ヴァルハランスの審判 最強の槍、神機グングニル
閉ざされた門 鉄壁のブロック・ゴレム!
Xレア対決! 龍星皇メテオヴルムVSカイザーアトラス皇帝
1ターンキル! 光の貴公子vs攻速のシュラ!
あやつりバトル!?! 剣王獣ビャク・ガロウ見参!
チャンピオンシップ決勝戦! 龍星皇vs剣王獣!!
龍虎激突! 復活のメテオヴルム!!
激突vs破壊! 竜騎将ディライダロス
光臨! 大天使イスフィール!
砕け散るライフ! 異界王VS激突王
バトル入門 ペンタン帝国の野望
龍帝コンボ 魔帝龍騎ダーク・クリムゾン
青のクライシス 囚われの鎧神機ヴァルハランス
ダーククリムゾン襲来 逆襲のビャク・ガロウ
激突王ダン! メテオストームの奇跡!
タッグバトル! 神造巨兵オリハルコン・ゴレムの恐怖
タッグバトル! 龍星皇VS神造巨兵
復讐のスカルピオーネ 来たれ!魔界七将アスモディオス
決断の硯! 決別のオリハルコン・ゴレム
全色激突! ホライゾンラダー攻防戦
超神星龍の咆哮! よみがえれ、マギサ!
異界王からの刺客! 魔界七将VS終焉の騎神
覚悟のドロー! Xレア魔導女皇アンブロシウス
究極のXレア! 幻羅星龍ガイ・アスラ登場!
決着! ジークヴルム・ノヴァVSラグナ・ロック
対異界王! 最後の光主デッキ