Childhood friends Tomo Aizawa and Junichirou "Jun" Kubota do everything together, whether it be training or just enjoying a fun day out. Anyone would think that these two are best friends for life. The only issue is that the tomboyish Tomo is in love with Jun, but he regards her like a brother. At the start of their first year of high school, Tomo confesses her feelings to Jun. However, her rough mannerisms and lack of hesitance to throw a punch do nothing to sway Jun's heart. Realizing that he will remain indifferent to her affections unless she does something about it, Tomo must find a way to knock some sense into Jun and open his eyes to what is right in front of him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Frédéric Chansel, Laure De Colbert, Nicolas Durand-Zouky
Three S Studio,
Childhood friends Tomo Aizawa and Junichirou "Jun" Kubota do everything together, whether it be training or just enjoying a fun day out. Anyone would think that these two are best friends for life. The only issue is that the tomboyish Tomo is in love with Jun, but he regards her like a brother. At the start of their first year of high school, Tomo confesses her feelings to Jun. However, her rough mannerisms and lack of hesitance to throw a punch do nothing to sway Jun's heart. Realizing that he will remain indifferent to her affections unless she does something about it, Tomo must find a way to knock some sense into Jun and open his eyes to what is right in front of him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
女の子に見られたい!/ 戦慄の挑戦状
トモのスカート / 学園のアイドル
親友の秘密 / デートしようぜ!
笑顔の理由 / 女子っぽく戯れたい / ヒーローはよく転ぶ
オールストン家の女たち / 譲れない想い / ドキドキ!ゲーム合宿
バースデープレゼント / 燃えろ!球技大会
淳一郎の誓い / トモが水着に着替えたら
夏祭りの夜 / 二人の距離感
勝負の行方 / 親友でいるために......
初めてのアルバイト / 置いてけぼりのシンデレラ