Nobita Nobi is so hapless that his 22nd century decendants are still impoverished as a result of his 20th century bumbling. In a bid to raise their social status, their servant, a robotic cat named Doraemon, decides to travel back in time and guide Nobita on the proper path to fortune. Unfortunately Doraemon, a dysfunctional robot that the familly acquired by accident (but chose to keep nonetheless), isn't much better off than Nobita. The robot leads Nobita on many adventures, and while Nobita's life certainly is more exciting with the robot cat from the future, it is questionable if it is in fact better in the way that Doraemon planned. (Source: AniDB)
Nippon TV Douga
Nobita Nobi is so hapless that his 22nd century decendants are still impoverished as a result of his 20th century bumbling. In a bid to raise their social status, their servant, a robotic cat named Doraemon, decides to travel back in time and guide Nobita on the proper path to fortune. Unfortunately Doraemon, a dysfunctional robot that the familly acquired by accident (but chose to keep nonetheless), isn't much better off than Nobita. The robot leads Nobita on many adventures, and while Nobita's life certainly is more exciting with the robot cat from the future, it is questionable if it is in fact better in the way that Doraemon planned. (Source: AniDB)
でた! ドラえもんの巻 / ペコペコバッタ大騒動の巻
屋根の上のすてきな子の巻 / のび太のご先祖さんの巻
弱味をにぎれの巻 / キューピットですきすき作戦の巻
ねずみに弱い猫もあるの巻 / ガキ大将をやっつけろの巻
おせじ鏡の巻 / パパとママの結婚記念日の巻
のろいカメラの巻 / 宝くじ大当り作戦の巻
決闘!のび太とジャイアンの巻 / わたしは誰でしょうの巻
アベコンベ騒動の巻 / おばけ屋敷の謎の巻
クイック・スロー大作戦の巻 / のび太は雨男の巻
ウルトラミキサーの巻 / ねがい星流れ星の巻
ふしぎなふろしきの巻 / のび太のおばあちゃんの巻
大リーグの赤バットの巻 / 男は力で勝負するの巻
ガチャ子登場の巻 / おしゃべり口べにの巻
すきすきカメラの巻 / 天の川でデイトしようの巻
へんなロボットカーの巻 / ニコニコせっけんの巻
おれ署長のだいりの巻 / さあ夏だ!スキーをやろうの巻
成績表はいやだなあの巻 / 自分のかげをつかまえろの巻
潜水艦で海へ行こうの巻 / くるったハラ時計の巻
キャンプ騒動の巻 / 忘れな草って何だっけの巻
クーラーパラソルの巻 / いつでも日記の巻
宿題おばけが出たの巻 / お天気ボックスの巻
ぼくに清き一票をの巻 / まんが家修行の巻
すてきなガールフレンドの巻 / 花いっぱい騒動の巻
そっくりクレヨンの巻 / 静香の誕生日の巻
宇宙飛行士になりたいの巻 / まいごマゴマゴ大騒動の巻
ネンドロン大騒動の巻 / さようならドラえもんの巻