The new show will feature unique and returning Yo-kai. The comedy will also center on the original series' main characters: fifth-grader Keita (Nate in the English version), ghost butler Whisper, and popular Yo-kai like Jibanyan and Komasan. The original cast members for these four characters are returning for this new series. (Source: ANN)
The new show will feature unique and returning Yo-kai. The comedy will also center on the original series' main characters: fifth-grader Keita (Nate in the English version), ghost butler Whisper, and popular Yo-kai like Jibanyan and Komasan. The original cast members for these four characters are returning for this new series. (Source: ANN)
Broadcast: Fridays at 18:25 (JST)
Season: spring
"Kerakeraho- no Uta (ケラケラホーのうた)" by King Cream Soda
"Youkai Taisou Daiichi (ようかい体操第一)" by Jiba-nyan Koma-san YoshikiRisa♪ (ジバニャンコマさんヨシキりさ♪)