Animations released on Pokémon Kids TV Japan YouTube channel. Episodes: #1: Zuruggu to Mimikkyu - Chase the Beans (ズルッグとミミッキュ), animated by Dandelion Animation Studio, released June 4, 2020. #2: Hero ni Naritai Yanchamu (ヒーローになりたいヤンチャム), animated by Pancakes, released May 5, 2021. #3: Yume no Tsubomi (ユメノツボミ), animated by Studio Colorido, released June 6, 2021. #4: Mattete ne! Koiking (まっててね!コイキング), animated by Studio Colorido, released July 2, 2021. #5: Pokapoka Magumaggu House (ぽかぽかマグマッグハウス), animated by Studio Colorido, released August 5, 2021. #6: Gengar ni Nacchatta!? (ゲンガーになっちゃった!?), animated by Studio Colorido, released September 10, 2021. #7: Fubuki no Natsu Yasumi (ふぶきのなつやすみ), animated by Mimoid, released October 8, 2021. #8: Purin no Uta (プリンのうた), animated by StudioGOONEYS, released December 28, 2021.
Magic Bus,
Studio Colorido,
DandeLion Animation Studio,
team Yamahitsuji
Creatures Inc.,
Animations released on Pokémon Kids TV Japan YouTube channel. Episodes: #1: Zuruggu to Mimikkyu - Chase the Beans (ズルッグとミミッキュ), animated by Dandelion Animation Studio, released June 4, 2020. #2: Hero ni Naritai Yanchamu (ヒーローになりたいヤンチャム), animated by Pancakes, released May 5, 2021. #3: Yume no Tsubomi (ユメノツボミ), animated by Studio Colorido, released June 6, 2021. #4: Mattete ne! Koiking (まっててね!コイキング), animated by Studio Colorido, released July 2, 2021. #5: Pokapoka Magumaggu House (ぽかぽかマグマッグハウス), animated by Studio Colorido, released August 5, 2021. #6: Gengar ni Nacchatta!? (ゲンガーになっちゃった!?), animated by Studio Colorido, released September 10, 2021. #7: Fubuki no Natsu Yasumi (ふぶきのなつやすみ), animated by Mimoid, released October 8, 2021. #8: Purin no Uta (プリンのうた), animated by StudioGOONEYS, released December 28, 2021.