In May 2018, V-Jump announced the promotional anime for Dragon Ball Heroes, a Japanese arcade and trading card game. The video game has been adapted to a Nintendo Switch port for western audiences, whilst the card game is released under the name "Dragon Ball Super TCG" and is combined with the other card game of the same name in japan. The anime is expected to be short and it is not expected to broadcast on TV. It has adapted the game's Prison Planet Arc, as long as the manga original arc "Big Bang Mission" and "Ultra God Misson", also fully detailed in the Heroes manga published in Saikyou Jump, although under 2 separate canons. They have never been published officially in English. The first episode debuted July 1, 2018 at Aeon Lake Town.
Toei Animation,
In May 2018, V-Jump announced the promotional anime for Dragon Ball Heroes, a Japanese arcade and trading card game. The video game has been adapted to a Nintendo Switch port for western audiences, whilst the card game is released under the name "Dragon Ball Super TCG" and is combined with the other card game of the same name in japan. The anime is expected to be short and it is not expected to broadcast on TV. It has adapted the game's Prison Planet Arc, as long as the manga original arc "Big Bang Mission" and "Ultra God Misson", also fully detailed in the Heroes manga published in Saikyou Jump, although under 2 separate canons. They have never been published officially in English. The first episode debuted July 1, 2018 at Aeon Lake Town.
悟空vs悟空! 監獄惑星で超絶バトル開幕!
暴走した悟空! 悪のサイヤ人大暴れ!!
最強の輝き! ベジットブルー界王拳炸裂!
激昂! 超[スーパー]フュー登場!
オラがケリをつける!! 発動! 身勝手の極意!
ザマスが復活!? 宇宙争乱編開幕!
最強最悪の戦士襲来! 壊滅する第6宇宙!
悟空復活!! 衝突する最強と最強!
反撃! 猛攻! 悟空とベジータ!
激闘! 第11宇宙頂上決戦!
超戦士集結! 決戦の第7宇宙!
超ハーツ参戦! 大地揺るがす全開バトル!
宇宙の種の脅威! カミオレン暴走!!
ぶっとべカミオレン! 圧倒! 身勝手の極意!
ザマスVS第7宇宙! 野望の結末!
究極の神殺し! ハーツ誕生!
超決戦! ゴジータVSハーツ!
完全決着! 宇宙争乱のゆくえ!
破壊神襲来! 新たなる戦いの幕開け!
フューの計画! 恐るべき宇宙樹の脅威!
強敵再戦! ターレスとボージャック!
忍び寄る影 謎の男 Dr.ダブリュー!
地獄大決戦! 新たなるジャネンバ!
龍拳炸裂! 超フルパワーサイヤ人4: 限界突破!
暴走の恐怖! 悪のオーラ再び!
時の狭間の激闘! ベジットVS超フュー!
戦いの場所へ突き進め ドラゴンボールヒーローズ
蘇る邪悪 暗黒王フュー誕生!
蘇る邪悪 暗黒王フュー誕生!
新時空大戦! 究極の激闘開幕!
黒衣の戦士現る! 新たなる冒険スタート!
戦闘民族の誇り! ベジータ, 覚醒!!
超[スーパー]サイヤ人ロゼVS身勝手の極意 惑星激震の大決闘!
黒衣の戦士VSゴクウブラック! 明らかになる闇の企み!
宇宙モドキの最終決戦! 激突する蒼と紅
立ちはだかるフューの脅威! 奇跡の最強コンビ誕生!
立ちはだかるフューの脅威! 奇跡の最強コンビ誕生!
動き出した計画 時空を超えた最強戦士集結!
暗黒王ドミグラの魔の手 激動の超時空バトル!