Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Studio Deen
DAX Production,
King Records,
Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... [Written by MAL Rewrite]
1年2組 坂本君 / ビー・クワイエット
守られるより守りたい / 今日から使える恋愛心理術
パシリスト坂本 / 恋のかくれんぼ
坂本はすけべですか? / 授業風景オムニバス / 坂本が消えた夏
下校のルール / カメラ越しの恋 / 食堂マーケティング
やはり坂本はすけべですか? / 瀬良のフランス革命
坂本君と私の出会い / 一番近くて遠い人
魔王 / 足りないもの
ぬくもりはいらない / 1-2メモリーズ