Eight years after the events of Macross F, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Var Syndrome is gradually consuming the galaxy. It's up to a new generation of highly capable Valkyrie pilots to deal with this universal menace. And if they didn't have enough on their plate already, the Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team from the Kingdom of Wind have come to challenge the Delta Squadron.
Bandai Visual,
Big West,
flying DOG,
Techno Sound,
Eight years after the events of Macross F, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Var Syndrome is gradually consuming the galaxy. It's up to a new generation of highly capable Valkyrie pilots to deal with this universal menace. And if they didn't have enough on their plate already, the Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team from the Kingdom of Wind have come to challenge the Delta Squadron.
衝撃 デビューステージ
月光 ダンシング
決断 オーバーロード
潜入 エネミーライン
脱出 レゾナンス
限界 アンコントロール
追憶 ジェリーフィッシュ
激情 ダイビング
漂流 エンブレイシング
決別 レゾリューション
ためらい バースデイ
拡散 オンステージ
感覚 エマージェンス
Eternal Songs
衝動 エクスペリメント
切望 シークレット
極限 ブレイブ
残痕 レクイエム
絶命 ジャッジメント