An Australian farmer returns home from the woods with a baby named Georgie. The girl lives ignoring the terrible secret hidden in the golden bracelet on her hand. Her "Father" and Her "brothers", Abel and Arthur, love her dearly, but her "mother" considers her an intruder and doesn't manage to open her heart to the girl. Georgie grows up into a beautiful young girl, and both her "brothers" are deeply in love with her. Not knowing the truth, Georgie eventually falls in love with the handsome grandson of the British Governor. When Mother finally reveals the truth to her and condemns the girl for being an exile's daughter, Georgie leaves for Britain in search of her real parents - and for her love, who has also left Australia. Abel and Arthur follow her and the three are thrown into the cruel world of London aristocracy, lies and intrigues.
Tokyo Movie Shinsha
TV Asahi,
Asatsu DK,
An Australian farmer returns home from the woods with a baby named Georgie. The girl lives ignoring the terrible secret hidden in the golden bracelet on her hand. Her "Father" and Her "brothers", Abel and Arthur, love her dearly, but her "mother" considers her an intruder and doesn't manage to open her heart to the girl. Georgie grows up into a beautiful young girl, and both her "brothers" are deeply in love with her. Not knowing the truth, Georgie eventually falls in love with the handsome grandson of the British Governor. When Mother finally reveals the truth to her and condemns the girl for being an exile's daughter, Georgie leaves for Britain in search of her real parents - and for her love, who has also left Australia. Abel and Arthur follow her and the three are thrown into the cruel world of London aristocracy, lies and intrigues.
父さん、 死んじゃいや!
牧場を 売らないで…
兄妹の すてきな夢
なくなった ブレスレット
友だちは いじめっ子?
思いがけない お客さま
アベルが ヤキモチをやいた!
デザイナーに なるの?!
さようなら オーストラリア
瞳の色は 優しいブルー
お帰りなさい アベル
その人の名は… ロエル
はじめての キス!
ジョージィの かくされた過去の秘密
嵐の夜・愛を うちあけるロエル…
秘密を知った 悲しみのジョージィ
ベルとアーサー・ 二つの愛のかたち
旅立ちの 決心をするジョージィ
ジョージィを追うアベル そして母の死
ちりぢりになって イギリスへ向かう三人
船員ジョージィと 夢見る少女キャサリン
ジョージィにかけられた 恐ろしいワナ
再会する二人 ~ジョージィとロエル~
おばあちゃんの 夢とロエルの涙
ジョージィを 見つけたアベル!
ロエルとの結婚に 反対するアベル
忍びよるダンゲリング 公爵の魔の手
王室舞踏会は 危険がいっぱい!
脱出するロエル とジョージィ
大切な指輪を 売るジョージィ
ロエルのために 必死に働くジョージィ
さようなら 愛しいロエル
父にめぐり会う ジョージィ
心は ブーメランのように