When a friend asks Natsuki what high school club she's going to join, she cheerfully responds "the go-home club" (meaning, she's not going to join any of them). However, she soon realizes that this club actually exists at her high school, and she's just expressed interest in joining it! Before she knows it, she ends up as one of the two new members of "the go-home club," which is a small group of eccentric school girls. One of the girls likes fighting bears, while another is ridiculously rich. But what exactly constitutes the activities of "the go-home club"? (Source: MangaHelpers)
Nippon Television Network,
When a friend asks Natsuki what high school club she's going to join, she cheerfully responds "the go-home club" (meaning, she's not going to join any of them). However, she soon realizes that this club actually exists at her high school, and she's just expressed interest in joining it! Before she knows it, she ends up as one of the two new members of "the go-home club," which is a small group of eccentric school girls. One of the girls likes fighting bears, while another is ridiculously rich. But what exactly constitutes the activities of "the go-home club"? (Source: MangaHelpers)
帰宅部入部希望 / 命短し帰れよ乙女 / 萩月流出没注意 / 浪費した青春:プライスレス
ホトトギスはなかないただのしかばねのようだ / 女子力オーバードライブ / 合コン訓練
不審者を殺せ! / 中学生日記[ブラック・ダイアリー] / 可愛い子には飴をあげよ / 孤独の上にも十五年
熱闘!! 前期球技大会 / 燃えろ!! 防火魂!! / テコ入れの原理
魔王の品格 / 文学のすゝめ / うろおぼえ御伽草子
青春は爆発だ / ギルティ・ジャッジ / 萩調流四天王
封じられた言葉!! / 激闘の果て!! / サプライズ・パーティー
姉と弟 / ストリート・ポエム / 姉と友達 / 名も無き目印
至高の選択 / 華麗なる合宿 / 星空イマジネーション / 人類最大の発明はクーラー......からのデッド・フリーダム
人は見かけによれ / 見学!! 萩調流古武術 / 女子だけ5人百物語 / 「ゆずらないよ」
花の名前 / 校則の縛り / 終わりよければ, すべてよし
よみちがい / 爆散ってなに? / 虫嫌い / 節水 / 対義語 / 登場!! あいかりん / あいかりんの逆襲 / 油断 / 絶対平等 / 鳴き声 / 地図 / 庶民の味 / 武勇伝 / †もしも異界でクマ四天王の着ぐるみのクマの中の人がスーパー女子ヤ人だったら...† / うろおぼえてもいない歌 / 可愛い子には飴をあげすぎた / 絵描き歌 / かわいい / 桜ちゃん絵描き歌 / ツッコミの穴 / 大事なお知らせ