Like in any culture, Japanese kids grow up listening to the stories repeatedly told by their parents and grandparents. The boy born from a peach; the princess from the moon who is discovered inside a bamboo; the old man who can make a dead cherry tree blossom, etc. These short stories that teach kids to see both the dark and bright sides of life have passed traditional moral values from generation to generation. Each half-hour episode of Folktales from Japan consists of three self-contained stories, well-known and unknown, with a special focus on heartwarming stories that originate from Tohoku, the northern region heavily touched by the earthquake of 2011. May this program help cheer up earthquake victims and cast a light of hope for them? (Source: Crunchyroll)
TV Tokyo,
Sony Music Entertainment,
Peter Pan Creation,
Like in any culture, Japanese kids grow up listening to the stories repeatedly told by their parents and grandparents. The boy born from a peach; the princess from the moon who is discovered inside a bamboo; the old man who can make a dead cherry tree blossom, etc. These short stories that teach kids to see both the dark and bright sides of life have passed traditional moral values from generation to generation. Each half-hour episode of Folktales from Japan consists of three self-contained stories, well-known and unknown, with a special focus on heartwarming stories that originate from Tohoku, the northern region heavily touched by the earthquake of 2011. May this program help cheer up earthquake victims and cast a light of hope for them? (Source: Crunchyroll)
花さか爺さん / 夢を買った男 / ねずみ経
一寸法師 / おむすびころりん / 牛の嫁入り
こぶとり爺さん / 八つ化け頭巾 / ほれ薬
力太郎 / うぐいすの里 / 平林
浦島太郎 / 猿地蔵 / 宝くらべ
金太郎 / いかとするめ / 三人泣き
魚女房 / たにし長者 / ほら吹き娘
大工と鬼六 / 熊と狐 / 和尚と小僧の川渡り
しっぺい太郎 / 天にのぼった息 / 無精くらべ子
三年寝太郎 / 最後の嘘 / うれし、めでたや、ありがたや
食わず女房 / 鼻たれ小僧 / 和尚と小僧のかみがない
ふるやのもり / 旅人馬 / 闇夜にカラス
ぶんぶく茶釜 / 髪そり狐 / そそうの相九郎
織姫と彦星 / オンバの皮 / いもころがし
火男 / ねずみのすもう / 和尚と小僧のぷーぷーぱたぱた
わらしべ長者 / 厠の神様 / 仁王とどっこい
天の羽衣 / 鷲のさらい子 / こんにゃく問答
絵姿女房 / おいてけ堀 / 金をひろったら
うばすて山 / 水の神の文使い / 運のよいにわか侍
かぐや姫 / 鬼の妹 / まんじゅうこわい