Taking place in the Sengoku Period, Rantarou, Kirimaru and Shinbei are young students at Ninjutsu Academy, a school that teaches all kinds of youth how to become ninjas. Known as "Nintamas" (a contraction of ninja + tama [egg]), the main trio, and many other students at the school, must learn all sorts of unique skills to achieve their goal. Unfortunately, things aren't that simple, since our protagonists constantly find themselves failing their classes. With strict ninja teachers such as Doi-sensei and Yamada-sensei, the mischievous girls from the Kunoichi class, an entire crew of pirates and dozens more interesting characters, anything can happen in the crazy world of Nintama. The episodes are 7 minutes and thirty seconds long each, and each season (which there's currently 29 of) usually has a range of 60-90 episodes.
Sogo Vision,
NHK Enterprises,
Taking place in the Sengoku Period, Rantarou, Kirimaru and Shinbei are young students at Ninjutsu Academy, a school that teaches all kinds of youth how to become ninjas. Known as "Nintamas" (a contraction of ninja + tama [egg]), the main trio, and many other students at the school, must learn all sorts of unique skills to achieve their goal. Unfortunately, things aren't that simple, since our protagonists constantly find themselves failing their classes. With strict ninja teachers such as Doi-sensei and Yamada-sensei, the mischievous girls from the Kunoichi class, an entire crew of pirates and dozens more interesting characters, anything can happen in the crazy world of Nintama. The episodes are 7 minutes and thirty seconds long each, and each season (which there's currently 29 of) usually has a range of 60-90 episodes.
Broadcast: Not scheduled once per week
Season: spring
1: "Yuuki 100%" by Hikaru GENJI (eps 1-47)
2: "Yuuki 100% (1994)" by Hikaru GENJI SUPER5 (eps 48-807)
3: "Yuuki 100% (2002)" by Ya-Ya-yah (eps 808-1303)
4: "Yuuki 100% (2009)" by Hey! Say! JUMP (eps 1304-1393)
5: "Yuuki 100% (2010)" by NYC (eps 1394-1573)
6: "Yuuki 100% (2012)" by Sexy Zone (eps 1574-1883)
7: "Yuuki 100% (2016)" by Junior Boys (eps 1884-2321)
8: "Yuuki 100% (2022)" by Johnny's Junior (eps 2322-)
1: "Dancing Junk (ダンシング・ジャンク)" by SUPER MONKEYS4 (eps 1-47)
2: "Don't Mind Namida (DON'T MIND涙)" by Hikaru GENJI SUPER5
4: "Shihou Happou Hijideppou (四方八方肘鉄砲)" by Mayumi (eps 169-199)
5: "0 Ten Champion (0点チャンピオン)" by Junichi&JJr (eps 200-265)
6: "Owaranai School Days (終わらない SCHOOL DAYS)" by Junichi&JJr (eps 266-289)
7: "Kou Shicha Irarenai (こうしちゃいられない)" by Junichi&JJr (eps 290-369)
8: "Nin Nin Nintama Ondo (にんにん忍たま音頭)" by SAY・S & Nintama Family
9: "HemuHemu no Ekaki Uta (ヘムヘムのえかき唄)" by Akiko Shimamoto
10: "Itsudatte YELL (いつだってYELL)" by Emiri Nakayama
11: "HemuHemu no Waltz (ヘムヘムのワルツ)" by HemuHemu (Ginzou Matsuo)
12: "Nintama Ekaki Uta - Shinbei no Dan (忍たまえかきうた しんべヱの段)" by Yuuko Warabi
13: "MEMORY&MELODY" by SPLASH (eps 531-568)
14: "Ai ga Ichiban (愛がいちばん)" by Sayuri Ishikawa (eps 569-648)
15: "Shihou Happou Hijideppou (Second Generation) (四方八方肘鉄砲 (2代目))" by Mayumi Funaki (eps 649-808)
16: "Sekai ga Hitotsu ni Naru Made (世界がひとつになるまで)" by Ya-Ya-yah (eps 809-967)
17: "Kaze (風)" by Aya Ueto (eps 968-1047)
18: "Oh!ENKA (桜援歌(Oh! ENKA))" by Kanjani8 (eps 1048-1153)
19: "Ai ni Mukatte (愛に向かって)" by Kanjani8 (eps 1154-1253)
20: "Yume Iro (夢色)" by Hey! Say! JUMP (eps 1254-1393)
21: "Yume no Tane (ゆめのタネ)" by NYC (eps 1394-1573)
22: "Kaze wo Kitte (風をきって)" by Sexy Zone (eps 1574-1738)
23: "Matta Nante Nashi! (待ったなんてなしっ!)" by Sexy Zone (eps 1739-1883)
24: "3 Byou Waratte (3秒笑って)" by Junior Boys (eps 1884-2017)
25: "Yancha na Hero (やんちゃなヒーロー)" by Hey! Say! 7 (eps 2018-2169)
26: "Ima da!! (いまだ!!)" by Johnny's West (eps 2170-2321)
27: "Kono Aozora wa Wasurenai (この青空は忘れない)" by Johnny's Jr (eps 2322-)