It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century.
Toei Animation
TV Tokyo,
It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century.
新大陸! 新たな冒険の始まり!
グリファス登場! 家出したリオンを連れもどせ!
ビィト戦士団 シャンティーゴに宿屋を開く!?
アートロン襲撃! 爆発する芸術の魂[こころ]!
涼風のイーブル! ビィトよ風の声を聴け!
月夜の再会! 奴の名はバウス!
強欲君主ハーデン! シャンティーゴ強襲!
瞬雷のトンガ! 吼えろ迅雷撃破!
ハング潜入! 天撃祭りの戦い!
史上最弱魔人! その名はニャンジャマー!
流氷のレイモンド! 若人よこれが修行だ!
復讐のジェラ! ビィト炎に死す!
大捜索! 復活のビィト!
目覚めた天力! リオンに力宿る時!
バウス総攻撃! シャンティーゴの戦い!
バウスVSパドロ! リオンを守れ!
風牙一閃! 風使いの魂!
ビィト戦士団! 魔牢獄突入!
炎と雷の乙女達! ハングを撃破せよ!
魔牢獄, 飛ぶ!
魔牢獄獄長! バウスの正体!!
最終決戦! 閃光のエクセリオンブレード!!