Ebichu the hamster seems like the perfect house pet: she cleans, shops, cooks, does laundry, and anything to please her master, known only as "Office Lady" (OL). Unfortunately, OL and her unfaithful boyfriend, combined with Ebichu's uncontrollable exuberance and love for ice cream, often earn her severe and bloody punishment. However, Ebichu doesn't seem to mind the abuse if she achieves her goal of making her beloved master a little bit happier. (Source: IMDB)
Group TAC
Pioneer LDC,
Ebichu the hamster seems like the perfect house pet: she cleans, shops, cooks, does laundry, and anything to please her master, known only as "Office Lady" (OL). Unfortunately, OL and her unfaithful boyfriend, combined with Ebichu's uncontrollable exuberance and love for ice cream, often earn her severe and bloody punishment. However, Ebichu doesn't seem to mind the abuse if she achieves her goal of making her beloved master a little bit happier. (Source: IMDB)
ご主人ちゃまとかいしょなち でちゅ
かいしょなちとご主人ちゃま でちゅ
春なのに でちゅ
マァくん、ドッキン でちゅ
かまんべーる事件 でちゅ
エビちゅ病気になった でちゅ
ご主人ちゃまがカゼ でちゅ
エビちゅ発情する でちゅ
マァくん、ををを〜! でちゅ
男なんてシャボン玉… でちゅ
虫歯もココロもズキズキ でちゅ
マァくん、をををををを〜! でちゅ
お母ちゃまがきた でちゅ
うみに行く でちゅ
しあわせの毛がはえた でちゅ
マァくん、ドックン! でちゅ
新婚さんがやってきた でちゅ
どろぼうが入った でちゅ
EbichuMAN 3
やっぱりま●がま●が… でちゅ
のんでもいいの でちゅ