Beast Wars Second features a new cast of characters set many years in the future, who travel to a post apocalyptic Earth now known as the planet Gaia. The Cybertrons, led by Lio Convoy, are sent to the planet to investigate an unusual change in the planet’s behavior and thus thwart the Destrons, led by Galvatron, who seek to consume the planet’s rich source of energy called Angolmois. (Source: Karyuudo Fansubs)
Ashi Productions
TV Tokyo,
Nihon Ad Systems,
Beast Wars Second features a new cast of characters set many years in the future, who travel to a post apocalyptic Earth now known as the planet Gaia. The Cybertrons, led by Lio Convoy, are sent to the planet to investigate an unusual change in the planet’s behavior and thus thwart the Destrons, led by Galvatron, who seek to consume the planet’s rich source of energy called Angolmois. (Source: Karyuudo Fansubs)
Broadcast: Wednesdays at 18:30 (JST)
Season: spring
1: "Get my future" by Cyber Nation Network (eps 1-27)
2: "Super voyager" by Cyber Nation Network (eps 28-43)
"Places Where Dreams Go (夢のいる場所)" by Jun Yoneya