The daily life of the Motsumoto family. The three sisters, Fuu, Suu, and Chii, follow what happens on a daily basis. Mother and Father have to deal with them sometimes, but they're used to it.
Toei Animation,
Studio Animal
The daily life of the Motsumoto family. The three sisters, Fuu, Suu, and Chii, follow what happens on a daily basis. Mother and Father have to deal with them sometimes, but they're used to it.
Broadcast: Unknown
Season: spring
1: "Shode! Shode! Dancing! (しょで!しょで!だんしんぐっ!)" by Mayu Kudou (eps 1-51)
2: "Tattoun♪Time" (たっとぅーん♪たいむ) by Noria (eps 52-89)
3: "Tattun♪Time: Minna de Isso (たっとぅーん♪たいむ~みんなでいっそ~) by Noria and 3 Sisters (eps 90-102)
4: "Lucky Days" by Dream5 (rebroadcast)
1: "Tattoun♪Time" by Noria (eps 1-29)
2: "Paya Paya" by Lionel 45% (eps 30-102)
3: "Oh My Tacco (オーマイTACCO)" by Seiko Shiga (rebroadcast)