Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the village's Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Now resembling a modern metropolis, Konohagakure has changed, particularly the life of a shinobi. Under the watchful eye of Naruto and his old comrades, a new generation of shinobi has stepped up to learn the ways of the ninja. Boruto Uzumaki is often the center of attention as the son of the Seventh Hokage. Despite having inherited Naruto's boisterous and stubborn demeanor, Boruto is considered a prodigy and is able to unleash his potential with the help of supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, this has only worsened his arrogance and his desire to surpass Naruto which, along with his father's busy lifestyle, has strained their relationship. However, a sinister force brewing within the village may threaten Boruto's carefree life. New friends and familiar faces join Boruto as a new story begins. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
TV Tokyo,
Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the village's Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Now resembling a modern metropolis, Konohagakure has changed, particularly the life of a shinobi. Under the watchful eye of Naruto and his old comrades, a new generation of shinobi has stepped up to learn the ways of the ninja. Boruto Uzumaki is often the center of attention as the son of the Seventh Hokage. Despite having inherited Naruto's boisterous and stubborn demeanor, Boruto is considered a prodigy and is able to unleash his potential with the help of supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, this has only worsened his arrogance and his desire to surpass Naruto which, along with his father's busy lifestyle, has strained their relationship. However, a sinister force brewing within the village may threaten Boruto's carefree life. New friends and familiar faces join Boruto as a new story begins. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Broadcast: Sundays at 17:30 (JST)
Season: spring
1: "Baton Road (バトンロード)" by KANA-BOON (eps 1-26)
2: "OVER" by Little Glee Monster (eps 27-51)
3: "It's all in the game" by Qyoto (eps 52-75)
4: "Lonely Go!" by Brian the Sun (eps 76-100)
5: "Golden Time" by Fujifabric (eps 101-126)
6: "Teenage Dream (ティーンエイジドリーム)" by miwa (eps 127-150)
7: "Hajimatteiku Takamatteiku (はじまっていく たかまっていく)" by Sambomaster (eps 151-180)
8: "BAKU" by ikimonogakari (いきものがかり) (eps 181-205)
9: "Gamushara (我武者羅)" by CHiCO with HoneyWorks (eps 206-230)
10: "GOLD" by FLOW (eps 231-255)
11: "Kirarirari (きらりらり)" by KANA-BOON (eps 256-281)
12: "Shukuen (宿縁)" by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION (eps 282-293)
1: "Dreamy Journey (ドリーミージャーニー)" by the peggies (eps 1-13)
2: "Sayonara Moon Town (サヨナラムーンタウン)" by Scenarioart (eps 14-26)
3: "Boku wa Hashiritsuzukeru (僕は走り続ける)" by Melofloat (メロフロート) (eps 27-39)
4: "Denshin Tamashii (デンシンタマシイ)" by Game Jikkyousha Wakuwaku Band (ゲーム実況者わくわくバンド) (eps 40-51)
5: "Kachou Fuugetsu (花鳥風月)" by Coala Mode. (eps 52-63)
6: "Laika (ライカ)" by Bird Bear Hare and Fish (eps 64-75)
7: "Polaris (ポラリス)" by hitorie (eps 76-87)
8: "Tsuyogari LOSER (強がりLOSER)" by ЯeaL (eps 88-100)
9: "Ride or Die" by Sky Peace (eps 101-113)
10: "Mikansei na Hikari-tachi (未完成な光たち)" by Haruka Fukuhara (福原遥) (eps 114-126)
11: "Wish on" by LONGMAN (eps 127-138)
12: "Fireworks" by FlowBack (eps 139-150)
13: "Maybe I" by Seven Billion Dots (eps 151-167)
14: "Central (セントラル)" by Ami Sakaguchi (坂口有望) (eps 168-180)
15: "Answers" by mol-74 (eps 181-192)
16: "Kimi ga Ita Shirushi (キミがいたしるし)" by halca (eps 193-205)
17: "Who are you?" by PELICAN FANCLUB (eps 206-218)
18: "Prologue" by JO1 (eps 219-230)
19: "VOLTAGE" by Anly (eps 231-242)
20: "Twilight Fuzz" by This Is Japan (eps 243-255)
21: "Bibouroku (ビボウロク)" by Lenny code fiction (eps 256-268)
22: "Ladder" by Anonymouz (eps 269-281)
23: "Mata ne (またね)" by Humbreaders (ハンブレッダーズ) (eps 282-293)