Nyaruko still wants Mahiro, as does Hasuta. Kūko wants Nyaruko, but believes both Nyaruko's and Mahiro's "first time" belongs to her. Yoriko puts up with all of it and cheerfully runs the house where they all live. Mahiro just wants some sanity. He doesn't want to be the love toy of a Nyarlathotepan, Cthughan, or a shots-like Hasturan. He may or may not hold out. (Source: ANN)
Avex Entertainment,
DIVE II Entertainment,
Nyaruko still wants Mahiro, as does Hasuta. Kūko wants Nyaruko, but believes both Nyaruko's and Mahiro's "first time" belongs to her. Yoriko puts up with all of it and cheerfully runs the house where they all live. Mahiro just wants some sanity. He doesn't want to be the love toy of a Nyarlathotepan, Cthughan, or a shots-like Hasturan. He may or may not hold out. (Source: ANN)
Broadcast: Sundays at 01:05 (JST)
Season: spring
"Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari (恋は渾沌の隷也)" by Ushiro kara Haiyori-tai G (後ろから這いより隊G)
1: "Yotte S.O.S (よってS.O.S)" by RAMM ni Haiyoru Nyaruko-san (RAMMに這いよるニャル子さん) (eps 1-2, 6, 11)
2: "Wonder Nanda? Kataomoi (Wonderなんだ?片思い)" by RAMM ni Haiyoru Jashin-san (RAMMに這いよる邪神さん) (eps 3,8)
3: "Kiraina Wake Lychee (嫌いなワケLychee)" by RAMM ni Haiyoru Tamao-san (RAMMに這いよる珠緒さん) (eps 4,7)
4: "Sister, Friend, Lover" by RAMM ni Haiyoru Kuuko-san to Kuune-san (RAMMに這いよるクー子さんとクー音さん) (eps 5,9)
5: "Ai Crusaders†Striver (愛クルセイダース†ストライバー)" by RAMM ni Haiyoru Mahiro-san to Yoichi-san (RAMMに這いよる真尋さんと余市さん) (eps 10)
6: "Kimi no Tonari de (キミのとなりで;By Your Side)" by Kana Asumi (eps 12)